Welcome to my much-hyped and long-anticipated blog! It is my hope to use these entries to chronicle my rookie year as a professional triathlete, even if I end up being the only one who reads them. I imagine it will be gratifying – or at least mildly amusing – to look back on these posts in my later years and recall with an inward smile how young and naïve I truly was.
But I am hopeful that the exploits described herein may also prove entertaining to my family, friends, and my overwhelming waves of loyal fans. So prepare yourself for stimulating commentary on training and traveling, captivating race reports, inspiring photography, and general insight into the day-to-day life of a young guy who truly has no clue what is actually going on.
Thanks for your interest! Lots more to come!
And I apologize for the unimaginative blog title. It was all I could come up with in the heat of the moment.
And I apologize for the unimaginative blog title. It was all I could come up with in the heat of the moment.